Waikiki Gift Baskets with Free Delivery

Map of our free delivery area

Waikiki gift baskets delivered free?

We will deliver your selected Hawaiian gift baskets to any hotel in Waikiki free of delivery charge. Please include your desired delivery date as well as the guest’s name. Make sure the guest has already arrived or is arriving the same day as your delivery. We’ll have the hotel confirm the reservation before leaving your gift. We’ll also leave our card with the hotel in case the guest is delayed.

We will have the basket delivered to the room where possible. Otherwise we’ll leave it at the front desk or bell desk. The bell or concierge gratuity is included in our service. We can also deliver to a meeting room. We’ll get a signature at the hotel and email you with a delivery confirmation and name. Most hotels prefer to handle the deliveries themselves for security reasons. So we don’t take the baskets to the room ourselves.

If the guest has a common name any additional information is appreciated such as room number or home town. Especially at larger properties like the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Once your gift is delivered we will email you a confirmation and time of delivery. Visit our Hawaiian Gift Baskets page to send to the mainland. We also ship to outer islands or properties outside of Waikiki. For a list of hotels see the Waikiki map above. Free delivery is not available to Turtle Bay, Ko Olina, or Kahala Resort as they are far outside of Waikiki. The only deliverable zip code allowed is 96815. If you are sending to a secure residence in that zip code choose the FedEx option.

Restaurant deliveries are also available if you are having a party or celebration. Let us know the name of the party making the reservation.

If you need a corporate or other gift to a Honolulu downtown or Waikiki business office let us know. So long as the business is accessible we can deliver there as well.

Some properties are mixed use. This means they have private condos, hotel rooms and condos for rent all in the same location. The Ilikai is an example. If your guests are renting from someone other than the hotel such as Air BnB or VRBO we’ll need the unit number since the hotel desk will not have that.

Custom Gift Baskets

If none of our Hawaiian gift baskets or bags quite meets what you are looking for let us know. We can swap out items to suit your recipient. If they are not coffee drinkers we can add more mac nuts or candies, for example.

Creating your own custom gift basket on our site will always include shipping charges. To send a custom designed gift basket without shipping charges please contact us. We’ll work with you to create the perfect Waikiki gift baskets for your special ones.

Waikiki gift baskets items

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