Hawaiian flowers are an agricultural commodity here in Hawaii. That means that weather, seasonality and demand can limit the supply. Just as sometimes your favorite food is sold out at the store we may find particular flowers hard to find on some days. This can also happen with last minute orders (less than 3-5 days notice).
Because of this we have determined which flowers can be used to substitute for others. We base this on cost, size, shape, color and texture so that the assortment you select will be balanced when displayed.
There is an option to tell us to cancel your order if the exact flowers are not available. In a few cases we indicate the complementary flower in the assortment description. In those cases we don’t consider it a substitute per the terms of your order.
See flowers here: https://www.withouraloha.com/hawaiian-flower-guide/
Below is a list of our standard substitutions.

Bird of Paradise – Tropic Fleur Heliconia

Orchid Sprays – Tulip Anthurium

Red Ginger – Pink or French Kiss Ginger

Color Anthurium – Orchid Sprays or Other Color Anthurium

Tulip Anthurium – Orchid Sprays

Ryzo Heloconia – Tropic Fleur Heliconia

Upright Heliconia – Pendant Heliconia

Rose of Siam – Costus Ginger

Pincushion Protea – Beehive or Exotic Ginger

King Protea – Pendant or Upright Heliconia

Tropic Fleur – Ginger

Ti Leaf – Hala Leaf

Hala Leaf – Ti Leaf

Song of India – Bird of Paradise Leaf

Monstera – Ti Leaf